Guaranteed checking

Once you’ve shopped around and decided on the jewelry piece you want, consider another detail: a jewelry guarantee. We use modern laser scanning machines to test the jewelry and provide a certificate at the end. Every piece of jewelry that goes through our guarantee checking v-text-line-clamp="1" is examined by Goldcenter experts who carefully inspect the item to confirm the authenticity of it.

Goldscope SD 520

The laser test is performed with state-of-the-art German devices, it is checked in just a few seconds without damaging the jewelry.This comprehensive approach enhances the accuracy and reliability of our assessments, giving you complete confidence.

  • 0 - 100 g - 500 AMD
  • 100 g and more - 1000 AMD
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Sigmascope gold C

With our devices we also have the opportunity to check 1-100 g /as a gift/ 999.9 grade bars, packaged, without damaging them:

  • 1 - 10 g 500 AMD
  • 10 - 100 g 1000 AMD
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After receiving the guarantee, you will be able to sell your jewelry any day at the prices set for the given day in our reception points, which you can follow through this site. The warranty on the outer layer of the scarf is usually guaranteed, but our diverse experience allows us to test not only its outer layer, but also its entirety.
